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Taman Gemilang very own snakeman

Talking about snakeman, in this case, person who is not afraid of snake, not person with snake feature, Taman Gemilang actually has its very own.

The snakes in his photo are small snakes. Din BP also deals with bigger ones.

Introducing Sharifuddin aka Din BP. In Taman Gemilang, if you are somehow, unfortunately crossing path with snakes, especially in your own backyard, Din BP will immediately comes across your mind.

There were instances where he was called for "duty" at midnight when a cobra was spotted in one of our friend's house. As usual, he came, search and destroy. I also used to call him at around 2.30 in the morning, luckily he was still awake, to help me search for a cobra I saw in the backyard behind my kitchen. The cobra was lucky since we could not find it after half an hour searching all corners of the backyard. You know what will happen if the snake came face to face with "Din the snake slayer" that night.........


196tg said...

Jgn dok puji sgt laTuan moderator..seluar aku kat serupa mau peciaaaaahhhhhh...tkat ulaq saiz2 anak seluang blay lar sikit2..kalau mai saiz bapak2...mau tau penangannya...alamat batu 2 la jawapnya...insuran kena amikhad kaw2 punya...

sniper said...

ask him to publish his handphone number, can make money whattt....but for us nearest neigbour FOC maaaaa...one more things,if u spot centipede also can call him,he can feed his kelisa.
iklan tak kan tak dak share kot...

196tg said...

FOC = mat starbuck

196tg said...

Cheeeee Waaaahh..can be reach at
0195719077/0124071244...Kes naya lagu ni...